Wednesday, April 22, 2009

April 22, 2009 Houston KPFT 90.1 FM - Connect the Dots Crew Question of the Week

Connect the Dots Crew Question of the Week

President Obama has not ruled out prosecuting Bush Administration officials for war crimes, namely torture. What's your opinion?

Tune in to Connect the Dots Radio Show KPFT 90.1 FM 10-11:00AM CST Guests: Music legend Hugh Masekela, Journalist Napoleon Johnson, Businesswoman Jennifer Dean and great music of course!

Camacho's answer:

us vs. them. and while we try to find guilty parties we still finance our imperial wars to the tune of over $10 billion per month.

sure, i say put all the senators and congresspeople who voted for the imperial wars in jail.

we continue to kill women, children and innocent men. not only in foreign countries but here in america and houston among all places.

some stats that you probably know about...

200 thousand students in HISD. over 50% fail to graduate. about 50% are latinos and 30% blacks. somebody told me 80% of people in prison have not graduated from school.

i take part in various candidate forums and people are demanding crime control, more police to imprison the criminals. was wondering who are these criminals? latinos and blacks. the fathers, sons, etc of somebody. instead of improving our education we want to imprison our new generations... a disgrace.

about 25% of first time offenders going to prison in harris county are veterans.

in comparison how significant it is talking about prison term for those who committed torture during our imperial wars?

we can continue to deal with adults but i think we need to get on our knees and look into the eyes of the future generations. if we can do that with clear conscience then we must be doing something right... :)

my two cents

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Houston 11, 2009 Easter Weekend

Visiting Holy Name Catholic Church...

A little resident in the Lindale area...

Lorenzon de Zavala Lodge during rest...