Sunday, May 04, 2008

April 27, 2008 Through Weegee’s Lens

The world of the internet, the window to the world at our finger tips. Looking through some photographs related to a New York Times article titled Through Weegee’s Lens got distracted in learning about Jill Freedman. Some of her work can be seen here and here. A couple thoughtful quotes:
"There are days I walk down the street feeling its ugliness on my skin like a sunburn," Ms. Freedman wrote of those times in an unpublished manuscript, "other days when I can hardly catch my breath for the beauty of it."
In 1988, Ms. Freedman was found to have breast cancer and had no medical insurance or a regular income. She was successfully treated and then moved to Miami Beach in 1991. "I found that I lost my passion," she said. "I thought, I've got to get away from this place because if I lose this, then I've lost it all."
Below are photos by Jill Freedman. Show her range of interest or her interest to urban activities. For sure, her photography reflects her interest in admiring the reality of her world. The quality of her photography, composition, color, texture, mood, light, is superb. Source of the photos


Shorty Sees Giraffes

Might vs Right

Fucking Legs

Jumping Rope

Dancing Dogs

Macdougal Stoop

The article presents a recent photo of Jill Freedman and her view returning to New York as presented below.
Photo: Michael Falco for The New York Times - Five years ago, Ms. Freedman returned to the city, homesick for what she described as "the smart talking and corned beef." She barely recognized the place. "When I saw that they had turned 42nd Street into Disneyland," she said, "I just stood there and wept." Presumably much more is out there to be captured by her Leica. "I'd like to find what's left," Ms. Freedman said.

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