Friday, January 09, 2009

December 8, 2009 Sallani, Bolivia

As shown the location above, among the Andes mountains in Bolivia, in a valley dominated by a temperamental river is located the old family hacienda Sallani. Following are few recent pictures of what is there.
Uncle Lolo, his family and friends standing by his summer house.

Lolo and Alfonso

Enjoying the day in the shade.

At the base of the mountains

Rainy season brings lots of melted water to the river bed

View of the old a portion of the old house on the right which was built in the late 1800s or early 1900s. Newer structure is Uncle Reno's summer place

Typical views of the mountain area in the old Sallani

A couple interesting pages found on Bolivian wine, Eliodoro Camacho, and Caracato.

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